Shopee, one of the leading e-commerce platforms in Việt Nam, has issued an important notice regarding changes in tax payment obligations for business households and individual sellers operating on the platform.
Hundreds of Vietnamese sellers have participated in Amazon Prime Day 2022, the biggest Prime Day event for Amazon’s selling partners worldwide, most of whom are small and medium-sized businesses.
Amazon Global Selling on Wednesday announced it would strengthen collaboration with Viet Nam E-commerce and Digital Economy Agency (IDEA) to jointly support Vietnamese sellers on developing their business through cross-border e-commerce.
The Ministry of Finance has asked digital-based businesses and delivery service companies to provide information about e-commerce sellers using their platforms and services.
Real estate companies have said that they will push marketing channels on social media and e-commerce floors instead of calling or sending text messages as a Government decree to tackle spam comes into effect next month.
Online food sellers have long been known as a channel to buy local, unnamed products, but now they are growing as an effective source for branded food firms.
Days before International Women’s Day (March 8) are often the best for flower sellers at Tay Tuu Flower Village in Ha Noi, but the continuing Covid-19 epidemic has cut sales of flowers in half this season.
To mark its ninth anniversary, Vietnamese e-commerce company Tiki has announced a waiver of fees for sellers using it as a marketplace for two years with effect from April 5.
Online shopping platform has launched the Lazada Seller Club as a large-scale connectivity platform to support sellers and efficiently develop the online business.
Apartment buyers and sellers can now negotiate the length of ownership
for apartments instead of a fixed term as at present, according to the
Ministry of Construction.